Welcome to the Peterborough & District ARC

Welcome to the website of the Peterborough & District Amateur Radio Club. A RSGB affiliated radio club based in North Cambridgeshire, England. You will find details about our club meets and other useful pieces of information.
Come and dive into the fascinating world of amateur radio (often affectionately called “ham radio”) in the United Kingdom.
If you would like to join us at PADARC, please email Alan G8XLH secretary@padarc.co.uk so that we can send you details on how to join our distribution list.
Feel free to join our nets on HF and VHF. Our HF net is on every Monday at 8pm local time on 1980KHz . Our VHF net is at 8pm every Tuesday on 145.400Mhz. We also have a daily 2 metre net at 2pm net every afternoon on 145.400Mhz
On the 4th Wednesday each month we hold a in-person meeting with natter nights and guest speakers. Click on the meetings tab for more information.
Due to Ofcom relaxing the Special Event Station criteria, PADARC will be able to do some SES. Please see the events page. We have a very active events team come and see us out and about and perhaps join in the fun. Click on the events tab for more details.