April 2023 meeting

Just a reminder that we have a PADARC meeting this Wednesday April 26th.

As reported in a previous message the funeral of club member John M1CDL took place on Friday. John was present at many club meetings and outside events. On Boxing day 2022 he was unwell and was taken to Hospital. 10 Days later he was allowed home After a short illness he went silent key on the 17th March. During his working life he spent most of his time on the railways, with a short spell of 5 years at Perkins. Tracey M5ATR and I represented the club at the funeral. The priest and several work colleagues made reference regarding his love of Amateur Radio,

In the May Practical Wireless on page 48 there is a review of the Kanga Kit Field Strength Meter RFSM-1. As it had been a while since I last inhaled the fumes of solder smoke, I decided to buy the kit. The kit is of high quality parts and is well presented. Construction time was a couple of hours. Although not calibrated it is a useful device to show if you have RF being produced from your Rig/Antenna. It will show if you have any RF hotspots in your shack or operating position. I will bring this to the club for anyone interested in taking a look.

At the meeting Chip G1FJD will give us an overview of the WW2 Berlin Airlift (1948-1949) . Chip is looking for help in running a special event station and will be seeking interest from club members.

Chip has recently purchased an HF portable antenna JCP12. He will be pleased to explain what he thinks of this and show it to club members.

Finally Tracey and I will be looking to take part in a 3Km fun run on the 7th May in aid of Cancer Research UK. If you prefer not to pledge on-line we will have some paper Sponsor forms available for you to use.

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