The club has decided in the New Year we will run a special event station at the end of January. Under Covid rules we will be able to run a special event call from our own individual home QTH.
The call will be GB8KOA, the number 8 is for King Henry the VIII
KOA is for Katherine of Aragon who is buried at Peterborough Cathedral (did not get her head chopped off)
The Katherine of Aragon Festival commemorates 29th January 1536, when Henry VIII’s first wife was buried at Peterborough Cathedral after her death in exile at Kimbolton Castle.
The Cathedral events run from the 27th to 30th January.
Katharine of Aragon Festival 2022 – Peterborough Cathedral (
Our special GB call will run from 28th to the 31st January.(Fri-Mon).
The only Ofcom requirement is not to use the call on the same band and mode at the same time.
Would you please let me know if you would be interested in operating from your home QTH and if you have any preference for Days, times and modes. You will need to keep a log of your activity and these should be sent to Tracey M5ATR as soon as possible after the event.
Qsl will be Direct or Bureau or E-QSL.
We will have some awards for club members and others with highest score Etc.
Details will also be on